Content is King, right? Successful content marketing strategies usually do not just happen by chance. Sure its possible that you will brainstorm a brilliant idea that Drives Internet Traffic, Generates Links and results in Social Media Shares, but the possibility of this happening right off the bat is quite rare. Research and Ideation go hand-in-hand to produce the optimal results for converting hard work into increased profits. People with a SEO background understand the various digital marketing techniques that provide the most success. At Einstein SEO, we keep up to date on the always-changing landscape of a technology driven industry like Content Marketing for Business.
Research and Ideation
At this point it is helpful to remember that there are no new ideas, rather a new twist or combination of existing elements. With this in mind, you can take the pressure of yourself to come up with something completely new and brilliant. Research what has been done before and look at ways to improve upon past ideas.
- Look for ways to develop an attention grabbing hook or element that draws interest in your data.
- Visually appealing elements can quickly grab attention and draw people in for a closer look.
- Choose relevant and interesting topics for your stories.
- Source compelling, accurate, reputable and easily searched data.
Validate Quality of Ideas
Create a framework in which you can Validate the Quality of your Ideas thus far. You want to make sure that your content is Memorable. Check to see if you have a successful hook that provides a unique and interesting perspective. Your content should stand out among the competition.
Functional Mobile Friendly Design
Is your content Mobile Friendly? The smart phone industry has exploded over the last several years. Content should be made very accessible on a tablet or other mobile device. Remember that Functionality is more important than a slick design that functions poorly.
Promote Your Website Content
What good is a beautiful website full of valid content if nobody can find it? Promotion is an important and often overlooked component of Successful Content Marketing Strategies. A multi-pronged approach can be the fastest way to generate strong results. Consider using Paid Promotion, Earned Promotional Channels and Owned Aspects for promotion.
- Paid Promotion could include advertising on social media platforms, paid per click avenues and targeting journalistic options.
- Earned Promotional Channels include link building and using mainstream publications to draw attention to your content.
- Owned Aspects of Promotion include areas such as a linked business blog. Utilize your own mailing list and social network channels to peak the interest of existing business contacts.
Convert Clicks Into Sales
Okay, now we have a strong marketing idea, visually appealing and functional website that has been promoted successfully, now what? How do you convert all of the web traffic into sales? The art of Converting Clicks Into Sales takes experience and finesse to pull off. Having SEO Experts from Einstein SEO on your side can mean the difference between a beautiful website that nobody sees and Increased Sales and Profit that most businesses dream of.
Contact Einstein SEO at 763-951-2200 when you want to Create a Successful Content Marketing Plan.