Wouldn’t you love to have a way to grow your business by driving traffic to your website? Business Blogs can be marketing magic when done correctly. They can get your company noticed by potential clients and major search engines. Blogging is a proven strategy for...
Einstein SEO’s Blog
How Not to Do SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very important for a company’s success this day in age because of how much time and money people spend online. With multiple mobile devices and tablets in most homes, the internet is at our fingertips 24/7. Companies strive to...
SEO Content Writer
Obviously it’s very important to have content on your website. But unless it has been written in an SEO friendly manner, there’s a pretty good chance that the site won’t show up in any search results. To get noticed by the search engines, a website must be and have...
Importance of a Mobile Friendly Website
We are all aware of the vast and significant changes our culture has experienced as a result of the internet over the last 20 years. This evolution has left marketing experts scrambling for ways to keep their business on the map in new and innovative ways without...
Importance of Link Building for SEO
Link building is a critical tool for search engine optimization (SEO) and ultimately for a successful website. It can reveal a lot about how legitimate a site really is and speaks volumes about how various pages are connected. Links between pages have historically...
Website Content Writer
So you need a website. Or perhaps you have one but there’s nothing on it, no meat. Well, you’ve probably heard some kind of cliché in your search for a quality website that “content is king.” Let’s just say it for what it is: without quality, original, and relevant...
White Hat SEO
Finding the balance between keeping your site current, interesting to your users and reaching new customers is complex and never ending. As a reputable site, you want to use techniques that are generally accepted as professional and legitimate. You have a long-term...
Using Twitter for SEO
Social media has totally revolutionized our society, especially as it relates to how we get our news, and how we stay connected to our friends, family and businesses and sites we follow. Twitter has had a particularly high impact on search engine optimization and, as...
Increase Your Internet Presence
In 2015, internet presence is a must for any business. Gone are the days of looking in the yellow pages of the phone book for businesses to use, and here to stay are internet searches. Einstein SEO is here to support your company in optimizing your internet presence....
How Content Marketing and SEO work Together for Optimal Results
Two of the most effective marketing tools for your website and/or your business continue to be best when combined. Search engine optimization (SEO) helps you drive traffic to your site and Content Marketing keeps your audience coming back with content that interests...